A Mindful Experiential Approach for All Your Relationships.

The path that our relationships take stem from the very beginning of life. We bring to each other our experiences which creates our beliefs, values and understandings about relationship and our soul's path.

Your relationships may feel Heart connected or Soul connected. Heart connected relationships are warm supportive and nurturing. You feel accepted and loved for just the way you are. Most difficulties come from Soul connections. Soul connections is loving someone for who they can become. You recognize their potential and sense you have a role to play in their potential, self development and growth.

Soul connections tend to eventually trigger us. Whatever you find so difficult in your partner, that which you dislike, is most likely material and “grist for the mill” for your own soul's growth.

Deeper Issues you may bring to the table to be healed:

  • you may not feel heard

  • unlovable or unloved

  • unwelcomed

  • unnourished

  • all alone, no one is here for me, I don't need anyone

  • hopeless that you will not get what you want

  • fear of telling your truths

  • dominated and controlled

Increase your ability for intimacy and connection with all of life, develop self compassion understanding and acceptance.

If you feel your relationship is on the rocks and you could use some help, give me a call.  The sooner the better!

Research shows most couples wait too long to get help.  Even if your partner resists; one part of the couple shifting the patterns improves the

Give me a call at (530) 273-5355 or click on the button below to contact me and we can talk.

"We are so grateful for all that you have taught us as we have become an amazing happy family!
—Marley M.

“The deeper our love the more it exposes our resistance to Love!” 
—John Welwood