Those Pesky Thoughts

You mean those pesky thoughts and beliefs are keeping me from living the life I desire??

Yes, It's true!

Beliefs are decisions you made because of early conditioning and have stuck with you throughout your life. Some of these beliefs have helped you to develop and get where you are today, but some of them are outdated and blocking you...

Directly responsible for making up your habitual destructive patterns.

Here is a mindful tip to begin to sleuth out those outgrown beliefs that keep you in a state of feeling unworthy.

In a quiet setting take time to notice your thoughts. Become aware of your inner world.

Get curious.

What are you telling yourself. Do you notice a theme repeating over and over? Like a "broken record"? Do you have a critical voice managing you?

Write down what you notice in your inner world.

Become aware of those pesky thoughts.

The first step to healing anything is Awareness!

Happy Listening.

After all who better to listen to!

So Glad you keep showing up!

You are inherently worthy!

All Love, Windy

Windy DiPietro